Diabetes/Risk for Diabetes Test/

FINDRISK – Risk for Diabetes Test

Answer 8 questions to find out about your possible risk to develop diabetes type 2 within the next 10 years.
Take your chance and participate in the test!
First answer the following questions then your risk to develop diabetes will  be calculated.

1. How old are you?

Younger than 35 years 0 points
35 - 44 years 1 point
45 - 54 years 2 points
55 - 64 years 3 points
Older than 64 years 4 points

2. Do any relatives of you suffer from diabetes?

No 0 points
Yes, near relatives like parents, children, siblings 5 points
Yes, far relatives like grand-parents, aunts, uncles, cousins          3 points

3. What is your circumference of the waist at the belly button?

Female: < 80 cm 0 points
  80 - 88 cm 3 points
  > 88 cm 4 points
Male: < 94 cm 0 points
  94 - 102 cm 3 points
  > 102 cm 4 points

4. Do you exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day?

Yes 0 points
No 2 points

5. How often do you eat fruits, vegetables or wholemeal bread?

Every day 0 points
Not every day 2 points

6. Do you take medication to treat hypertension?

No 0 points
Yes 2 points

7. Did you ever have high blood glucose values during a health check?

No 0 points
Yes 5 points

8. How is your relation between height and weight of your body (body-mass-index, BMI)?

< 25 0 points
25 to 30 1 points
> 30 3 points
How to calculate your BMI: body weight (in kg) divided through body height (in m)
